Sunday, September 16, 2012

Sculpted Cane Commission

 I wanted to document one of my new commissions; a sculpted cane. I am excited about the creative freedom a cane offers. Traditionally, a cane is used as a wonderful palette on which to carve and paint so we will see how true to tradition we choose to stay. First, I did find the length of the raw material was at the capacity of my 35 inches.
 Along the way I measured for an accurate fit with the handle...
and used a new technique with a bowl gouge. I welcomed the challenge to not use my steady rest because it was going to be fully sculpted I was not concerned about the finished surface quality. I scraped with the gouge at about 50 degrees while equalizing the pressure with my overhand to avoid too much vibration. It worked fine for my purposes here. Any thinner and it would be no good, I will thin it up fine through the hand work...